After we weren’t able to have a residential workshop last year, the choir was really looking forward to its weekend together in Scarborough, to enjoy each other’s company and learn some new music, and we weren’t disappointed. The weekend’s organisation and our new venue, the Weston Hotel, were excellent, and so was the music Nicola introduced to us. Everyone worked hard to learn the new pieces, and as usual Nicola and Lloyd managed to make it an enjoyable experience. The creative ones among us came up with a brilliant idea to get everyone involved and having fun - a competition to make hats made from balloons! On Saturday evening we enjoyed a good meal together, a lucky dip and a raffle to raise funds for the Forget me Not Trust, games and more singing! No wonder we all looked a bit weary on the journey home! Even the weather had received the memo, and out came the sun, so that we could enjoy Scarborough at its best.
Thank you to everyone who put in so much time and effort to make the weekend such a success.